Axia Academic Publishers (AAP) is the not-for-profit publishing company of the Institute for Axiological Research / Institut für Axiologosche Forschungen (IAF), founded 1999 in Vienna. It is supervised by IAF's international academic board which determines the publishing program, the strategies and the quality criteria. Its main purpose is to present the research results of the IAF and its cooperation partners on a broad public and by all means - printed, electronic, and digitized publications, and especially by extensive use of the open access platform. Thus the ultimate objective is to make all publications "free to read" online, and at the same time, "free to buy" in printed format. Through sustainable partnerships it also offers publishing opportunities and services for authors and editors who are working in the same fields of research as the IAF.
As an independent international publisher, Axia Academic is engaged in publication of high quality peer-reviewed books, reference works, journals and other serial publications. Although it is focused on philosophy and on axiology, i.e. on the philosophy and theory of values and their sociocultural contexts, it is also open to related issues in all fields of the humanities and the social sciences with a special emphasis on critical thinking, social controversies and conflict resolution, religious studies and interfaith dialogue, intercultural and cross-cultural communication, feminist theories, gender studies and managing diversity.